Home lifestyle 12 Ways on How to Simplify your Wardrobe

12 Ways on How to Simplify your Wardrobe

organize your wardrobe

Simplifying your wardrobe means getting rid of clothing or items that you don’t wear for long. By reorganizing your wardrobe, you will not only save your curtailed morning hours on deciding what to wear, but you can also create some extra space for items. By simplifying your wardrobe, you will de-clutter your life and make it less messed up.

Start your journey by identifying items that are not needed or are out of fashion. By following this step, you can save some extra morning effort on what to wear. Choose a color that suits you best and let go of flashy or un-matching dresses that you don’t like.

Here are steps on how to simplify your wardrobe:

1. DE clutter by Rearranging Your Clothes

Begin by rearranging your clothes and dispose of dresses or items that are either out of trend or no longer suit your fashion sense. Choose clothes that you can wear every day, like simple white pants or tops that can go with every dress or set of shoes that you own; this will not only save you some extra bucks but will also de-clutter your morning routine.

2. Choose Clothes that are Essential for Your Daily Routine

Choose Classic and essential pieces of clothes for a simple wardrobe. Mix and match easily for various looks, emphasizing quality over quantity. Choose clothes that mix and match easily, focus on quality over quantity, and avoid going for big brands as they are very expensive and difficult to get rid of. This will make your dressing up routine easy and effective.  

3. Seasonally Rotate Your Clothes

Rotating clothes seasonally is a practical way to keep your wardrobe organized and ensure you wear all your items throughout the year.

4. Capsule Wardrobe Technique

A capsule wardrobe is a technique to simplify your wardrobe; it means selecting essential items that match your style; you can do this by making your wearable items collection simple and less cluttered.

5. Choose Quality over Quantity

Purchase high-quality clothing that lasts longer. While shopping, check washing instructions carefully and choose clothes that are easy to wash and will last longer; focus on quality rather than choosing expensive designer clothes or brands.

6. Organize Clothes by Category

Organize your wardrobe by categorizing items (shirts, pants, dresses, etc.) so that you can quickly access them, which is a big time saver. By DE cluttering and simplifying your wardrobe, you create a simple and easily accessible wardrobe.

7. Arrange clothes by color

Enhance your wardrobe looks by organizing your clothes according to color. This is a simple very effecting technique of wardrobe simplification. By arranging clothes by color, you can make your wardrobe appealing to the eyes and create simplicity in your daily dress-up routine.

8. Use Vertical Spaces in Your Wardrobe

By using all spaces in your wardrobe, like shelves, hangers, and hooks, you can make your wardrobe well-planned and clutter-free by keeping your things well organized. This will also reduce the morning hassle of finding small things like stockings and inner garments.

9. Put a Limit on Your Purchase 

By reducing your purchases, you can reduce your wardrobe clutter. You can save some money on other important things like unplanned spending and bills. While going for shipping, have a look in your wardrobe and make a list of things that you don’t have. This will help you remember what things are needed and what are not and will reduce your temptation to buy unnecessary items.

10. Regularly review your wardrobe

Always review your wardrobe items and clean them regularly; this will help you in knowing what is needed and what is not.

11. Donate or Sell Unwanted Clothes

Instead of throwing away unwanted clothes, you can sell them or donate them to someone; look if there are any thrift shops around and sell them to them; you might get a good amount for your branded clothes; you never know.

12. Clean Your Wardrobe Regularly

One of the most important steps involved in simplifying your wardrobe process is regular cleaning; this will help you simplify your wardrobe and keep it organized. This approach will also help you know if there are any unwanted items lying at the bottom of your pile of clothes.

By implementing these steps, you can create a simplified wardrobe that looks attractive and is easy to use.